Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Disclaimer and Scoring Explanations: Please Read!

What is this site about?
Mostly books and my personal opinion of them (although there might be bits on music and movies also).
I usually read Young Adult, with the occasional Adult fiction thrown in. I generally like fantasy, paranormal, mystery, suspense, but do like some stories with no magical elements as long as they're intriguing.
If there's a book you think I'd like, please recommend it. And if you would like me to review your book, I'd be honored.
Email me:

Being an aspiring writer myself, I am not here to make enemies. I know how much work goes into each novel and believe me, every novel published deserves to be. But I am not going to lie about my review, though I will not be harsh. I will simply state, in a professional way, what worked for me and what didn't.

Please know that if I didn't like a particular book, that is MY OPINION ONLY, and other people (you included) may have a completely different opinion. I am not personally attacking any authors or their writing. I may like one book from an author and not like their other books. I am only stating my opinion of a particular story, not their careers. So please, no hate mail.

Also, I don't own the copyright to any book jacket descriptions I may use for my review. I will also try my best to not include spoilers.

Why am I doing this?

I'm doing this because I love books. But you must invest time to enjoy a book. And by the time you find out whether you like the book or not, a good amount of time/money has been invested. And how many times have we bought or read books because they were popular, only to be a bit disappointed?
There are some book review sites that rarely give any criticism. I wanted a book review site that was honest and not afraid to go against trends. I am not the type to like something because everyone else says it's good. I'm also not the type to hate something because everyone else says I should. Apparently, I am also a rap artist. I will be your guinea pig and test out books before you spend your time/money and give you my honest opinion.

How are novels rated?
My scoring system is a bit different.


First, I will rate the "darkness" of the book (usually YA).
  • Light = humorous, happy, sunshine, gumdrops.
  • Dark = edgy, racy, disturbing, goth.
This has nothing to do with my opinion of the book besides what I feel the content is.


I will give TWO ratings. That's right, you read correctly: TWO.

  • One rating for THE FALLEN (who enjoy dark material, like me)
  • One rating for the ANGELS OF LIGHT (who enjoy lighter material)
I do this because I realize there are different audiences out there. While I tend to enjoy stories on the darker side, I understand people like "light" books and I shouldn't give a negative opinion just because of my taste for "darker" books. So I will try to give an opinion from a "light" POV as well.


I will not give a score between 1-5. I prefer a more concrete and simple rating system like this:

  • Buy it (so good, you have to have it forever)
  • Borrow it (from library or friends. Worth the read, but not having)
  • Skip it (not worth reading)
That way, you won't have to decide whether a "3" should be worth reading.

Thanks for reading!
I know that was a bit long.

Happy reading, everyone!

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